Tuolumne County Sheriff's Posse

The Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Posse is a community volunteer organization. This year marks the 66th anniversary of the Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Posse who has produced the Round-Up in a rewarding partnership with the Tuolumne County business community. The Posse has an active membership of 40, plus dozens of past active, honorary and associate members. The Posse parades in more than 10 cities throughout California promoting Tuolumne county. With its Community focus, the Posse provides a wide range of volunteer labor and time year round. It provides scholarships for all of our county high schools, sponsors a Boy Scout troop and the Wildcat Wranglers, participates in Sober Graduation, has produced the Cancer Society’s Jail & Bail, helped the Visitor’s Bureau with the Wild West Film Festival, has provided and delivered Christmas toys for disadvantaged families, donates many, many dollars to youths and other charitable causes. And it produces the county’s biggest event… the Mother Lode Round-Up Parade and Rodeo!

The Posse Clubhouse on Rawhide Road in Jamestown is a great place for banquets or Community Events and is available for youth groups or other organizations to rent.

Website: https://motherloderoundup.com/sheriffs-posse/

Phone: (209) 984-4881

Address: 19130 Rawhide Road Sonora, CA. 95370


Tuolumne County Schools Office


Vietnam Veterans of America-Chapter 391